How would you describe your music to any person who may have never heard it before?

M: I would say we sound like a folk ballad, met an alternative rock tune, and had a Celtic baby! Seriously though, people have described us in so many ways. I kind of think we started our own genre. It definitely doesn't fit in any one genre. Renfaire's and rock shows, festivals, and corporate keynote concerts, we bring a unique and authentic experience for everyone.
Is there any significance to the band’s name? M: Nordic Daughter is significant as we recently did our Ancestry DNA, and Jason and I are both Scandinavian by blood and heritage. While we are descendants of the Vikings, we are also influenced by an Americanized version of the life. I've used the name for years for writing and other creative endeavours, and when we began writing music, it just seemed logical. What are your musical influences? M: I am highly influenced by the musicals of the early 20th century and the classical compositions of my youth. You can hear the influence of Disney in my writing as well as in the ballads and sagas of the '60s. No matter how dark life gets, we are all empowered to change the trajectory of our lives for the better! The heavier more emotional minor notes that Jason brings in are often influenced by his own beginnings in the metal and industrial metal music of the '90s. Our aging black lab Reznor is named after Nine Inch Nails frontman Trent Reznor.
What are your musical inspirations? M: My favourite artist, hands down, is Toni Childs. Her lyrics and her ability to connect to the spirit of the stories she weaves pushes me to write from my soul. If I were to tour, she would be my ultimate artist I would love to support. I also have an affinity for Sarah McLachlan's music as well. The depth of these women have helped push me deeper into myself.
If given the chance, what musician(s) would you like to collaborate with? Rather this is to either write a song or be featured on a track. M: I would love to write a song with Sting. I love his music, and his songs are so beautiful. If we were talking about more modern artists, I think my music would do well with Florence and the Machine. So many options for making music, and choosing just one artist to collaborate with is impossible. You have a new album coming out, what's the album about? M: This new album is called Perspectives, and it is really an introspective look at ourselves and how we handle life, work through problems or see ourselves in relation to others. Each song pulls apart the inner workings of our psyche as our perspectives shift throughout our lives. What’s something you hope people take away from the new songs? M: I hope people connect to the music and come away from the songs refreshed, invigorated, and hopefully optimistic that they have the power to create anything they can imagine in this world.
Which song on the album was the most fun to write? M: The new song "Return to the Wild" was the most fun to write. It definitely is giving Jason a chance to stretch his fingers a bit. Do you have any favourite songs from the new album? M: I feel like every new song is quickly the new favourite. My favourite is our wedding song, which, yes, is going on the third album. It was the first song we ever wrote together, and we sang it at our wedding in 2009 as our wedding vows to each other. Look out for "I Promise You." Do you have any favourite songs to perform live? Could be your own music or even a cover. Any reason why? M: I really love performing "Dromte Mig," which is an old Norse song I learned this year for the Scandinavian Midsummer Festival. It feels natural to sing, it rolls off the tongue easily, and the melody is the oldest piece of Norse music notation. My favourite song that we have written is going on the third album called "This is the Place." It's just beautiful and reminds me that time is finite and our time is the present, nothing else is guaranteed. If you could perform a show this very second anywhere in the world, where would it be? Is there any particular venue(s) or city/cities that come to mind? M: Sydney Opera House in Sydney, Australia, The Gorge Amphitheater in Oregon, and Red Rocks Amphitheater in Denver. These are just a few spots that are connected to nature and places I would spend huge amounts of time in nature during my off days!
What do you currently have planned for the remainder of the year? M: We are playing our largest show ever this year at Elitch Gardens for WitchFest! Last year there were 11,000 at the festival and this year looks to double it. Thanks for the time today. Is there anything else you may want to add before you go? M: Look for the new album next spring 2023 and stay in touch at and follow us on all social media.