Just before the release of No More moments' brand new EP Quarter Life Crisis on March 25th via Cursed Blessings Records, our own Samuel Stevens spoke with the band's drummer Carlin Black Rabbit to discuss Quarter Life Crisis, talk about the band's beginnings, what is in the near future for No More Moments, and more.

So who are No More Moments? Carlin: We're a punk band from Siksika Nation, Alberta (Blackfoot Territory, commonly known as Treaty 7). What’s the significance of the band’s name? C: The name has taken a life of its own. We were super young when we formed the band. It can be metaphorical in many ways. It just kind of stuck over the years. How would you describe the band to any person who may have never heard your music before? C: Our band is fast-paced punk rock with sing-alongs, with elements of metal and hardcore. You'll be releasing your second EP Quarter Life Crisis -but third overall release- on March 25th via Cursed Blessings Records. This is your first release with a major label, correct? C: We released Still Going on Transistor 66 (Winnipeg) back in 2016. That was a big deal for us. So this will be our second release. Anyone willing to take time for us is a major deal. Doug and Al at Cursed Blessings have been game-changers for us in a positive way. How would you compare this EP to the last and your previous album? C: We got to live in the studio residence for a couple of days. It was a very accommodating process. You get to go to sleep after you're done working; no travelling back and forth to the studio. The atmosphere really captured the vibe of this recording. We did everything live off the floor this go around, as opposed to doing track by track during our previous release. It's all about the environment you're in when recording. We added a guest vocal spot and also had a synth, which is something we have never done. How has the band evolved both musically and as songwriters since the band's inception in 2009? C: We have more resources for playing shows now. Back then, we had to find rides to shows or pay a lot of gas money to get to shows. Now, we all have stable incomes, vehicles, driver's licences, etc. Songwriting is a lifelong process. It just evolves with time. What bands or artists would you credit as the foundation for helping form your band’s sound? C: That's changed over the years. I listen to lots of different styles of music these days. Back when the band started, I listened to only metal and punk. Nowadays, it's indie rock, new wave, shoegaze, and hardcore music. Bands like Cancer Bats, Flatliners, Weezer, Chixdiggit, Mastodon, and Turnstile are current faves. So Quarter Life Crisis was mixed by former Cancer Bats guitarist Scott Middleton. It must’ve been such a thrill to have such a Canadian hardcore punk/sludge metal legend be a part of the forthcoming EP? C: We've all been collective fans of Cancer Bats for years. I've seen them at least 15-20 times. They even played our reserve at the end of one of their Canadian tours in 2019. It was a cool intimate show for our community. Lots of love for Scott. If the chance ever presented itself, who else would you want to collaborate with on a song, or even a full-scale release? C: Jesse Gander out of Vancouver has always been on my radar. The amount of releases he has been part of are most of my favourite bands I listen to today.
Lorrie Mathieson is a legend in Calgary. He has been in the game for years, we did a Christmas song with him a few years back, and we had great chemistry. I feel we could learn a lot working with Lorrie.
Do you happen to have a profound moment from the time during the upcoming EP’s writing or recording sessions that resonate with you still to this day? C: Just being in the presence of my best friends was something I cherished during the recording session. I was so depressed after it was all over. I got to spend real quality time working with the rest of the band. I feel like when you're in the studio, it allows you to be vulnerable and open up your creativity. This is where ideas can be born or put on the shelf. Life is so busy nowadays, especially for myself, that it was nice to unwind in the studio for a weekend, in -30, in southern Alberta.
You have recently put the EP’s lead single “Problem Child,” out into the world. How has the reception been so far for the song? C: We just started playing shows. Overall the shows have been packed. The new songs are still fresh, we just filmed a live music video for the single, and it will catch on.
You’ve toured all over between Vancouver and the Alberta/Saskatchewan border. I’m sure you have ambitions to get further and further away from home with this EP’s touring cycle? C: Now is the time to be ambitious. It's not out of the question to travel the world. Whatever is available or presented to us, we'll make it happen somehow. That's always been our band's unintentional philosophy. Lastly, is there anything you wished people asked you during an interview but never do, and what would the answer to that said question be? C: How was your day? Thank you for asking. I think it's nice to go out of your way to ask anyone how their day is.
What's your favourite food? Tubby dog and palomino smokehouse.
Hulk Hogan or Ultimate Warrior? Bret Hart.
Thanks for taking the time, Carlin. Is there anything else you may want to add before you go? C: Thank you for taking the time to interview us! Much love to Cursed Blessings, Mark Russell -our patient manager- and everyone who has been on this journey with us from the start. We look forward to playing in new venues and meeting new people.
Check out more from No More Moments: